Family Budgeting and Saving
Set your family up for financial success through all of life's milestones.
Strengthen Your Savings

Money-Saving Tips
Saving can be hard when it feels like you’re stretching every dollar. You might be surprised how much money you can save when you try these practical strategies.

Pay Off Debt or Save?
In times of economic uncertainty, you might wonder whether you to pay down debt or save more funds for a rainy day. Here’s what to consider.

Savings Strategies
Whether you’re just starting your savings journey or need a refresh, these tips can help get you on track to reaching your financial goals.
Simplify Your Banking
Monitoring your finances on a regular basis can help you stay up to date on account balances and make progress toward your family’s financial goals. Use these resources for tips on tracking your finances and making account management more seamless.
- Learn About Regions Overdraft Grace: Get extra time to make a deposit or transfer and avoid overdraft fees
- Alert Options Growing at Regions Bank
- Regions Bank Announces New Steps to Reduce Overdraft Charges, Eliminate Non-Sufficient Funds Fees
- Keeping Track of Your Money: 4 Steps to Take Charge of Your Accounts
- Understanding Overdraft Fees
- Checking Accounts: Five Mistakes to Avoid
- Three Reasons to Automate Bill Payments – and Four Precautions You Need to Take First

Keep Your Money Safe from Credit Push Payment Fraud
The growing use of person-to-person (P2P) payments has brought a new level of convenience and speed to sending money – and, unfortunately, fraudsters have some very creative and effective methods of separating P2P users from their money. Watch this video and click the link below for tips on protecting your money from credit push payment fraud.
Healthy Family Budgeting

Family Living on a Budget
Sticking to a budget takes discipline, especially when you’re wrangling multiple people’s needs and wants. Learn how to involve your spouse and kids in order to make your household budget family-friendly.

Zero Based Budgeting
Zero-based budgeting can help you make the most out of every dollar. Read to learn more about this budgeting strategy.
Avoiding tax fraud scams
Being fraud aware and staying educated on potential fraud schemes are two of the best ways to avoid getting scammed during Tax Season. Watch this video for tips tax season fraud tips.

6 Tips for Paying Down Debt
Making a plan to pay off debt is an excellent goal. These tips from Bobby Hoyt, The Millennial Money Man, can help you create a realistic plan that sets you up for success and fuels your motivation to keep moving forward.
Financial Wellness Resources for the Entire Family

Virtual Learning for Kids
Teach your kids or students the value of smart money habits through interactive games, fun lesson plans and downloadable activity sheets. Regions offers this through We Are Teachers for children in kindergarten through 8th grade.

Next Step Courses
Improve your financial IQ and learn how to make informed money management decisions through our short, engaging courses available in the Next Step Courses. Each course takes ten minutes to complete and can be accessed via your mobile device, tablet or desktop computer.

Next Step Podcasts
Ready to improve your money management skills? Give your financial knowledge a boost with the Next Step Podcast collection. These quick, educational podcasts can help you discover new strategies and tips to help you achieve your personal and business goals.

Downloadable Worksheets
When it comes to money management, careful planning and good organization are key. Our free planning worksheets can help you stay organized and show you how to break your goals down into manageable, achievable steps.

Guest Advice on Family Finances
Check out insights from Jessica Turner at The Mom Creative, Crystal Paine at Money Saving Mom, and Allison Baggerly at Inspired Budget to help you jumpstart family budgeting and savings in our featured guest posts below.
- The Mom Creative on Helping Your Kids Form Good Financial Habits
- The Mom Creative on Involving Your Kids in Your Business
- Inspired Budget on Prioritizing Financial Health
Family Finances at Every Stage

Financial Fitness for College Students
Smart money moves during your child’s college years can put you a step ahead after graduation. Check out the resources below and more here to study up.

Talking to Kids about Money
No matter their age, the financial lessons you teach your children today can help shape their approach to money management throughout their lives. Explore our tips for teaching your kids about money and budgeting.
Navigating Marriage and Money

Couples Preparing for Marriage
It’s important to talk about financial goals and plans before marriage. Use these resources to help start the conversation today.

Marriage and Finances
Creating financial goals with your partner and outlining ways to achieve them can help avoid money stress. Check on these tips and tools to learn more.
Elder Care Resources

Understanding the Cost of Elder Care
Caring for an aging relative can be expensive. These resources provide costs to consider and tips for proactively managing your budget.

Medical Financial Hardship Courses
These easy-to-understand courses exclusively from Regions Bank offer tips about managing large medical bills and unplanned healthcare costs.

Preventing Elder Fraud
Knowing the signs and types of elder fraud can help to protect seniors from exploitation. Check out the resources below.

Spotting the Signs: Protecting Against Elder Financial Exploitation COMING SOON
As more than 10,000 Americans turn 65 everyday, keeping seniors safe from financial abuse is increasingly important. For many seniors, identifying and reporting financial abuse isn’t easy. In this on-demand webinar, we’ll identify some of the ways to help seniors avoid exploitation through preventive practices, monitoring accounts and investments, identifying a trustworthy power of attorney, and more.

More Financial Resources from Regions Next Step
Looking for tips and tools for reaching your financial goals? Next Step’s online collection is full of articles, podcasts, worksheets, calculators and other useful resources to help you break your plans down into manageable and achievable steps.