Tips for Family Budgeting Podcast

Spotlight on Savings Series

In this podcast, we discuss how to create and stick to a family budget plan to help boost your savings.

It provides tips on the following:

  • Developing specific financial goals that get the entire family involved
  • Working together as a team to streamline expenses and savings
  • Determining how much money you need to put aside to reach your goals
  • Involving your kids in money matters

Listen to Podcast

This Next Step Podcast is part of our Spotlight on Savings series presented by Regions Next Step –advice, tools and resources to help you get closer to reaching your unique financial goals. Our featured Spotlight on Savings podcasts can help you gain control of your finances and grow your savings.

Find more helpful tips for reaching your financial goals:

Tips to Get your Family Living on a Budget

How to Create a Monthly Budget

Calculator: How do I Reach my Savings Goal?