Volunteering in Retirement

Tips on How to Find the Right Opportunities

You’ve made it to retirement, and now your time is not dictated by the clock or calendar. But not having a full-time job may leave you with free time you’re not used to filling. Here are four tips on how to make the most of that time through volunteering.

1. Use your skills and experience. Find a volunteer opportunity that’s relevant to your skills, work experience, hobbies and interests. Look for a volunteer position by keyword, interest, or location through online databases such as Serve.gov and VolunteerMatch.org, or ask a friend or colleague for recommendations. Interests and hobbies can take you on a vacation service trip to a country you’ve always wanted to visit or become a volunteer tour guide at your favorite historical museum.

2. Have a specific purpose. Focus on something specific you’d like to accomplish or a worthy cause you’d like to support. Having a definite end goal in mind will keep you grounded in your commitment.

3. Be realistic. Make sure the intensity and duration of work suits the time and effort you’re able to give. Consider whether the organization will fit your skills and preferences, so that you can work together more effectively.

4. Create meaningful interactions. Your words and actions will leave a lasting impact on those you serve, whether it’s building a one-on-one mentoring relationship with young adults or greeting wounded veterans at a medical facility.

Your golden years are a second act in life. They’re also a time for pursuing lifelong ambitions or discovering new ones.


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