Business Schools for Female Entrepreneurs: What to Look for

Business Schools for Female Entrepreneurs: What to Look for

These qualities set university programs apart, marking them leaders in the world of female advancement.

Women are driving forces in the world of business, and recent data from U.S. News shows that women make up less than 33 percent of students at many graduate business schools. Look for these qualities when searching for a business program that’s dedicated to advancing women in business and entrepreneurship.

1. Networking and alumnae programs. Strong networking and alumnae programs that focus on women can offer essential support in the business world and create opportunities for female alumnae to help one another reach their full professional potential.

2. Strong female representation. Business programs that are focused on advancing female entrepreneurship often boast higher female enrollment, are dedicated to empowering female entrepreneurs, and are focused on creating economic and social value for themselves, their organizations, and society.

3. Dedicated focus. Programs that focus on specific areas, such as technology, philanthropy, or politics, can help provide women with the tools and opportunities they need to succeed in the entrepreneurial world of leadership and industry.

4. Independent center focusing on women’s entrepreneurship. A center connected to the university that offers entrepreneurial education, training, networking, and mentoring for women both attending and outside the university is healthy for fostering female entrepreneurship and creating economic opportunities.

5. Key partnerships. University programs that partner with nonprofits and foundations focused on the advancement of women are key to developing the role of women in business.

6. Actively recruiting women. Programs dedicated to increasing female enrollment are actively working to recruit innovative and driven women to the program as part of their commitment to advocating for women in business.


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