10 Job Opportunities for Teens

Whether your teen is too young to work a part-time job or too busy to keep typical hours, he or she can still earn income and learn important money-management skills. Consider these opportunities to earn money and guide your teen to financial independence.

  1. Baby-sitting: This job may be an old standby, but becoming a go-to sitter for a family or two can be a reliable source of income.
  2. Dog walking: Your teen can get a daily workout and build a work ethic while walking the neighborhood dogs before or after school.
  3. Pet-sitting: Encourage your teen to take care of a neighbor's pet for a day, weekend, or longer, as this role can sometimes fit easily into a student's schedule.
  4. Neighborhood yard maintenance: From mowing lawns and raking leaves to snow removal and hedge trimming, your teen can care for your home's exterior and a few neighbors' yards to earn extra money.
  5. Help around the house: Your teen can earn a little cash by washing windows, moving large items, or painting around your house as well as friends' and family members' houses.
  6. Tutor for children: If your teen is a math whiz or grammar pro, he or she can help younger kids keep up with their studies.
  7. Tutor for adults: Your tech-savvy teen can offer tutorial sessions for adults who want to learn how to use apps, social media, and other digital programs.
  8. Personal assistant: Your teen can gain professional experience by aiding a self-employed neighbor or family member with business errands, paperwork, and other tasks.
  9. Photo archiving: Many people are too busy to save and categorize digital photos. Your teen can help them review photos, recommend what to keep and discard, categorize by year or event, and store them online.
  10. Arts and crafts sales: Your crafty teen can sell his or her creations — and learn valuable business skills — in person at arts and crafts fairs or in an online marketplace.  

Once your teen has started earning a few dollars, encourage them to budget their income wisely with these tips for teaching your teen to save money.